Beyond the Logo: A Journey of Brand Discovery

Join me on a journey of brand self-discovery!


Having spent over 10 years in the school creative industry I’m still surprised by how many clients I meet who are not “on the same page.”

Some schools are nearly there, but there is a little confusion around language. Others disagree completely about the school’s key values. To be honest, it's rare to find a school where everyone is “singing from the same hymn sheet.”

Now, of course, interpretation can be forgiven, but even when you look at the sentiment it's crazy to see how disconnected some schools can be about the essence of who they truly are. And, if your school doesn't know who they are and what they stand for, how on earth will your prospective parents know?


In my last blog, I gave you guys a tasty little tip on how to start to take the first steps in discovering your brand identity. Now it’s time to strap on those hiking boots and ascend Mount Brand! In this wonderful story, you play the avid explorer looking to discover the mystical secrets of your school brand. I am your loyal and trustworthy Sherpa!

DAY ONE - BASE CAMP (17,500-feet)

Ok, let’s start our ascent by getting you into the mindset of what’s to come! Take some time to think about what your school brings to the table in a crowded market (hint: read my previous blog post). As with any good adventure, this can be the most challenging part mentally, but this thinking is the foundation of every step you’ll take going forward.


DAY TWO (19,500-feet)

Let's start asking some questions to answer one of school branding's biggest mysteries “WHO IS YOUR SCHOOL?” It's probably much easier if we break this part of the ascent into stages, heck, we can stop for a nice warm cup of cocoa that I've got in my backpack…

  • Stage One - Ask this simple but essential question: What motivates your community? Is it activity, success, ambition? This will act as a golden carrot to keep everyone pushing towards brand perfection!

  • Stage Two - Next, ask, What does your community believe in? Is it honesty, quality, results? Utilise these to form the values on which your brand grows!


  • Stage Three - The last bit for today (you’ve worked hard!): What is your school's end goal? Is it to be the “most innovative,” “the best,” “the warmest”? Whatever it is, this is your school vision, and what your community needs to achieve by building on your values! Phew, what a day! Let's turn in for the night!


DAY THREE (21,000-feet)

Wakey-wakey! it's a beautiful morning, and you should feel great looking at how far you have come up Mount Brand. But, the most challenging stages are to come. Today, we need to look inside your school and explore “what you know”. 

Now, as a school you collectively know a huge amount, but let's focus on what you know MORE about than others. 

Do you have specialist staff who are capable of delivering engaging lessons like no other? Do you have qualifications with providers that are like gold dust in the educational sector? If the answer is yes, that's awesome. But before you go adding this to part of your brand identity ask, “Do these specialists reflect our foundation and vision?” If they don’t then think about how you can solve this - is your vision distorted or do you need to work on your specialisms?


DAY FOUR (23,500-feet)

Wow! Day four, how did we get here, why can't I feel my toes? It doesn't matter, all that does matter is that we are in the middle of a journey of school brand discovery and we have almost reached the summit!

Before we can sit back and enjoy the beautiful view we must look at our school once more and ask, what do we have results in? Let's skip the obvious exam results - all schools have those. Let's think about the bigger picture and look at outcomes. What have your alumni gone on to do? What trophies and badges are hanging in your cabinet?

Now look at these results and match them up with your values and vision. If it all fits together like a well-crafted puzzle, you are onto a winner. If, however, you find yourself bashing at pieces like a toddler with a plastic hammer it's worth having a re-think to focus on results that reflect your goals!


DAY FIVE - THE SUMMIT (25,500-feet - Just a bit shorter than Mount Everest, btw!)

Congratulations - you made it! It's been quite an adventure as we’ve made new friends, seen unique wildlife, and lived some adventures to share with the grandkids one day! More importantly, you have been on a journey of brand self-discovery that will power your next steps!



You have returned home after your enlightening adventure up Mount Brand brimming with clarity over what your school brand is. It's now time to work out how to communicate it with a clear, compelling voice, and for that journey, we're leaving Mouth Brand behind to explore a galaxy far, far away


Beyond The Logo
